About Us
Since 2018, Mitsubishi Corporation has established a new subsidiary use the name of "IVICT", specializing in chemical products business worldwide. In China, the new companies "IVICT Shanghai" (and its Beijing branch) and "IVICT Guangzhou" have taken over all of Mitsubishi Corporation's chemical business in China since October 1, 2018, with offices located in Shanghai (Beijing) and Guangzhou, China, respectively, and maintained their operational status unchanged. In the future, we will continue to contribute to the development of our clients' careers, with the goal of becoming a company with a sense of presence in various regions. We hope that everyone can continue to support us and give us great friendiness.
Starting from September 2023, "IVICT Guangzhou" was restructured into "IVICT Shanghai-Guangzhou Branch", and all chemical businesses of Mitsubishi Corporation in China will be uniformly operated and managed by "IVICT Shanghai", entering an era of integration.

Mitsubishi Corporation has integrated its chemical business into IVICT group and continues to explore high value-added services as well as business opportunities globally.
We want to strengthen the regional focus and at the same time open faster and closer interaction with the offices in China, Germany, Thailand and Singapore.
Since chemicals play a very important role in many aspects of human life, our target is to link the power of chemicals with Mitsubishi Corporation's large business network. This creates enormous opportunities for European suppliers in Asia, as well as new Asian technologies in the European market.
Finally, we strive to provide added value for our societies through open, fair and professional trade relations between all our partners.